Green Earth Management Company (GEMCO) provided waste management licensing services and development of the appropriate treatment methodology for remediation of a former pesticide factory.


The site had also operated as a quarry and this had resulted in a void approx. 5 m deep that would require restoration to bring the site back to beneficial use. GEMCO provided a full environmental consultancy service to the remediation contractor.

The works included, production of waste licence application and soils re-use risk assessment. The site had historically been identified as causing contamination in abstraction wells located in the vicinity. Remediation works were required or enforcement action was a real possibility. GEMCO produced and agreed a groundwater monitoring protocol with the local Environment Agency and subsequently undertook the collection of the samples and the reporting of the data. Groundwater monitoring continued throughout the construction period. The soils were treated by soil stabilisation to reduce the leaching properties of the soils. A final capping layer was included in the design to minimise infiltration to the underlying chalk aquifer.

This avoided the need for a waste management licence to place the treated/recovered soils. Final capping soils were imported under an exemption to waste management licencing. After the remediation works were completed GEMCO produced the completion report for submission to the project team and EA.

Provision of Remedial Design Services

GEMCO is in a position to provide a full remediation design and project management service, in addition to that our WAMITAB qualified COTC holders work with the client to ensure compliance with the waste management licence conditions. GEMCO also undertake environmental monitoring and advise on appropriate environmental controls to minimise environmental impact and nuisance to site neighbours.

Our representative visited the site on a regular basis to carry out inspections in accordance with the appropriate regulations. The service also included a monitoring programme for a number of important abstraction wells in the area; including licensed abstractions.