Green Earth Management (GEMCO) provided waste management licensing services and development for the appropriate treatment methodology to eradicate Japanese Knotweed infestation from a significant volume of topsoil required for re-use on site.
GEMCO were responsible for the preparation and submission of the site specific working plan and deployment form to the Environment Agency. The application was determined within the 30 day consultation period, providing the client with very rapid mobilisation to site.
Over 6000 cubic meters of infested soils were treated to remove the plant matter and knotweed rhizome. The process allowed the recovery of a number of soil fractions that otherwise would have been waste. The suitable granular materials were separated from the topsoil fractions. The aggregate materials were suitable as engineering fill for use in the backfilling operations.
Residual waste removed during the separation process were sorted in accordance with water type and were re-cycled in accordance with site waste management requirements. The
use of this method presented significant cost and time savings against more traditional methods of dig and dump or herbicide treatment.The treatment operations were undertaken during autumn and took approximately 8 weeks to complete.
The treated soils are regularly inspected for re-infestation and GEMCO are pleased to report there is no evidence of re-infestation in this growing season.
Provision of COTC Services to MTL Holder
GEMCO is in a position to provide a full remediation design and project management service, in addition to that our WAMITAB qualified COTC holders work with the client to ensure compliance with the waste management licence conditions. GEMCO also undertook environmental monitoring and advice on appropriate environmental controls to minimise the environmental impact and nuisance to site neighbours.
Our representative visited the site on a regular basis to inspect the site in accordance with the regulations. The service included environmental monitoring services.